Thursday, May 20, 2010

being home, etc...

i sort of figured but never really thought much about how hard it would be to go from doing the amount of traveling and exploring and meeting new people and speaking another language all the time to being home in san diego where no one is out of school yet and i just as a general rule don't have much to do. thankfully now i am just starting my internships at unasd and the irc, going to the gym, getting back into the hang of hanging out with people, etc... but i have been so beyond bored in a kind of (okay, really) pathetic way.

i miss barcelona. i miss the freedom, i miss the momentum, i miss my spanish gym and the sights and smells and sounds of the city. i miss morning bakery runs and walking through born's windy sun-streaked streets. i know i complain(ed) a lot, but i had such a wonderful time abroad. entonces, bcn, gracias por todo. ojala que nos vemos pronto?

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry, you'll get back into the swing of things; and who knows? Maybe you'll find a way back?

