Wednesday, January 20, 2010


ooph. today i feel lonely here.

they say "the study abroad experience" is supposed to be like a W, emotionally. of course my up down up down up feels more like a richter scale (oh haii, separation anxiety).


  1. Hi my sweets. I'm just about as jealous as they come! that chocolate-in-a-cup thingy looks sooo good.... remember the pics from Grand Cay.? So sorry to hear about the mugging/assault you endured. thankfully you're o.k. (7years in Italy and 0 muggings), not that I think you should have gone there or anything. I'll stop rambling now. Love, and miss you, a kiss, your Auntie L.

  2. i totally know what you mean. everyone focusses on the postive which is I guess what you are suppossed to do, but it would be nice to be more prepared for the other stuff. Anyways, awesome blog I love it! So creative!
